Men’s Team
Marcel Aubry

College or Previous Team: Boston University
"And we haven't even touched speed."
Personal Records
800m: 1:521000m: 2:25
1500m: 3:48
Mile: 4:02
John Benner

College or Previous Team: University of Vermont
"Nothing is more pathetic than people who run around in circles." - Marcus Aurelius
Personal Records
800m: 1:541000m: 2:26
1500m: 3:45
Mile: 4:05
3k: 8:13
5k: 14:04
Half Marathon: 1:10:56
Marathon: 2:35:24
Will Berger

College or Previous Team: Rutgers University
Personal Records
1500m: 4:08Mile: 4:23
3k: 8:31
3k Steeple: 9:33
5k: 14:59
10k: 31:21
Dan Biales

College or Previous Team: Bentley University
"He wrapped himself in quotations - as a beggar would enfold himself in the purple of Emperors" - Rudyard Kipling
Personal Records
Mile: 4:37Half Marathon: 1:17:29
Tim Bolick

College or Previous Team: Bentley University
"Legs are feelin' good." -anon.
Personal Records
800m: 1:511000m: 2:28
1500m: 3:52
Mile: 4:09
3k: 8:31
Bennett Brake

College or Previous Team: Troy University
"How do I know you ran a 4:30 mile in high school? That's easy. Everyone ran a 4:30 mile in high school." -Frank Shorter
Personal Records
800m: 1:551500m: 3:55
Mile: 4:19
3k: 8:39
5k: 15:17
Matt Cicciu

College or Previous Team: Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
"There's always money in the banana stand."
Personal Records
1500m: 4:01Mile: 4:20
3k: 8:29
5k: 14:46
William Cole-French

College or Previous Team: UMass Lowell
"Do or do not, there is no try." - Master Yoda
Personal Records
800m: 1:551000m: 2:28
1500m: 3:50
Mile: 4:08
3k: 8:43
Andrew Crompton

College or Previous Team: University of Vermont
"You guys silly? I'm still gonna send it!" - Larry Enticer
Personal Records
1500m: 3:53Mile: 4:10
3k: 8:12
5k: 14:17
Half Marathon: 67:29
Dan Crowley

College or Previous Team: Amherst College
"There is an old saying about those who forget history. I can't remember it but it's good." - Stephen Colbert
Personal Records
1500m: 3:57Mile: 4:15
3k: 8:22
5k: 14:16
10k: 30:49
Francis Cusick

College or Previous Team: Lesley University
"Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana." -Groucho Marx
Personal Records
3k: 8:515k: 15:08
10k: 31:40
Half Marathon: 1:09:39
Marathon: 2:32:58
Benaleo Daniels

College or Previous Team: Buffalo State University
"Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace ro those on whom his favor rests." -Luke 2:14
Personal Records
800m: 1:57Andrew Erskine

College or Previous Team: Amherst College
"Wubba lubba dub dub" -Rick Sanchez
Personal Records
Mile: 4:163k: 8:24
5k: 14:33
10k: 30:35
Half Marathon: 1:09:11
Marathon: 2:21:41
Lucas Estrada

College or Previous Team: Williams College
"It's a feature not a bug." - Anon
Personal Records
800m: 1:571500m: 3:55
Mile: 4:10
3k: 8:34
Half Marathon: 1:10:09
Marathon: 2:31:07
Greg Ferland

College or Previous Team: Williams College
"The Soul of the World is nourished by people's happiness." -Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist
Personal Records
Mile: 4:333k: 8:54
5k: 15:48
Half Marathon: 1:15:13
Tim Gill

College or Previous Team: Belmont Abbey College & Western Mass. Distance Project
"Why did she break up with you?" "She said something about me not paying attention to her, I don't know I wasn't really listening.." - Dumb & Dumber
Personal Records
Mile: 4:133k: 8:15
5k: 14:27
10k: 29:54
Half Marathon: 1:06:21
Nick Green

College or Previous Team: Lesley University
"The greatest use of a life is to spend it on something that will outlast it." - William James
Personal Records
Mile: 4:233k: 8:36
5k: 15:03
10k: 31:35
Joeseph Hurton

College or Previous Team: Providence College
"Want to know which ring is my favorite? The next one." -Thomas Edward Patrick Brady Jr.
Personal Records
800m: 1:55Jacob Johns

College or Previous Team: University of Maine
"The legs feed the wolf" - Herb Brooks
Personal Records
800m: 1:521500m: 3:48
Mile: 4:05
3k: 8:33
5k: 14:50
Aaron Lucci

College or Previous Team: University of Vermont
"Its kind of like Im going to do something, so instead of doing anything else I am just going to do that. So thats what ill do." -McBriare Samuel Lanyon "Mac" DeMarco
Personal Records
800m: 1:551000m: 2:27
1500m: 3:51
Mile: 4:06
3k: 8:30
5k: 14:57
Half Marathon: 71:21
Malik Mahmud

College or Previous Team: Butler University
"The moment I stop having fun with it, I'll be done with it." -Drake
Personal Records
800m: 1:541000m: 2:27
1500m: 3:56
Mile: 4:14
3k: 8:34
5k: 15:37
Chris McCann

College or Previous Team: Worcester Polytechnic Institute
"Talent is cheaper than table salt. What separates the talented individual from the successful one is a lot of hard work." - Stephen King
Personal Records
800m: 1:551000m: 2:31
1500m: 3:56
Mile: 4:16
3k: 8:41
Dan McSolla

College or Previous Team: Wentworth Institute of Technology
"Jerry, it's Frank Costanza. Steinbrenner's here, George is dead, call me back." -Frank Costanza
Personal Records
800m: 1:511000m: 2:24
1500m: 3:45
Mile: 4:03
3k: 8:08
5k: 14:40
Jon Miller

College or Previous Team: Babson College
"Hey now, I'm just here for the vibes and miles."
Personal Records
3k: 8:575k: 15:46
Half Marathon: 71:19
Eli Moskowitz

College or Previous Team: NC State
"Slow is smooth, smooth is fast."
Personal Records
800m: 1:541000m: 2:29
1500m: 3:47
Mile: 4:07
3k: 7:59
5k: 13:57
10k: 29:23
Declan Neary

College or Previous Team: Lamar University
"The hardest challenge is to be yourself in a world where everyone is trying to make you somebody be somebody else." -EE Cummings
Personal Records
800m: 1:521500m: 3:49
Mile: 4:08
3k: 8:15
3k Steeple: 8:51
5k: 14:44
Gabriel Ortega

College or Previous Team: Babson
"All this from a slice of gabagool?" - Tony Soprano
Personal Records
Mile: 4:36Derek Pittorino

College or Previous Team: Bentley University
"Who do you think you are? I am!" - Pete Weber
Personal Records
Mile: 4:29Half Marathon: 1:15
Marathon: 2:49:30
Nick Poles

College or Previous Team: College of the Holy Cross
"Can't stop the spirits when they need you. This life is more than just a read-through." - Red Hot Chili Peppers
Personal Records
800m: 1:57Mile: 4:25
Steve Polito

College or Previous Team: Stonehill College
"Lean forward, shorten your stride, drive your arms." - Coach Rushton
Personal Records
Mile: 4:203k: 8:28
5k: 14:41
10k: 30:50
Half Marathon: 1:11:16
Marathon: 2:48:57
John Sava

College or Previous Team: Merrimack College
"Go BRTC!"
Personal Records
1500m: 4:105k: 14:45
10k: 32:30
Jovan Sematimba

College or Previous Team: Regis College
I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." - Maya Angelou
Personal Records
800m: 2:021500m: 4:14
Mile: 4:35
10k: 34:46
Half Marathon: 1:14:00
Jasper Shapiro

College or Previous Team: Wesleyan
"Fall down seven times, stand up eight." -Japanese Proverb
Personal Records
800m: 1:561000m: 2:34
Mile: 4:25
3k: 9:00
Ari Silverfine

College or Previous Team: UMASS Amherst
"This is it. The moment we should have trained for." - Turanga Leela
Personal Records
800m: 1:55Mile: 4:30
Alex Turner

College or Previous Team: Wake Forest University
"Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go." - T.S. Eliot
Personal Records
1000m: 2:33Mile: 4:27
3k: 8:41
5k: 14:40
10k: 30:51
Half Marathon: 1:09:59
Marathon: 2:23:58
Steve Vercollone

College or Previous Team: Stonehill College
"Bad news for my haters and enemies of which there are many. I woke up today." - Dave Portnoy
Personal Records
800m: 1:501000m: 2:30
Mile: 4:23